It's a place all right.

September 17, 2023 (Originally posted on Cohost)

Starfield Play Journal #7 - Bethesda Games in SPACE!

Still playing Starfield when I have a moment. While gradually wandering through the main quest and still making some progress in it, I tried messing with the outpost thing some more to keep offloading resources, eventually settling for figuring out which random parts I'd picked up were weighing the ship down the most and dumping those in a container.

While jumping around to figure out how to get my ship to actually land at the outpost after making the landing pad for it, I ended up finding a ship housing some captured AI thing. Because I'd randomly signed up to work for the company some time ago that the two humans there also happened to work for, I was able to convince them to let the AI thing go, even though I've pretty much done nothing for the company except a coffee run gone violent. Then I also had to drop them off back at HQ on Neon, since the AI thing leaving broke the ship somehow instead of just stealing it like I thought they would, and that was really just "go to Neon" and then they were immediately gone.

While I was at the world of cyberpunk, I rebuilt the ship a bit with the main intent to add even more cargo space, and also upgrade the fuel and even add yet another laser because there was room. I found out two things: The cargo space in the builder only shows the base value and not the buffed one from skill effects and stuff, which was a welcome surprise once I got into the cargo screen, and that only 3 crew can be assigned to a ship unless upgrading some captain skill I think, even if there's more slots than that. I ended up giving the one remaining slot I could assign to Andreja, who I'd just met on the main quest being a badass and also getting extremely in my face, literally, like way more than in Oblivion, after I grabbed the latest artifact thingy. I almost thought she was coming on to me from her being all up ons, and given the romance thing exists in this game, who knows. But mainly just a weird bug kinda thing, like the other unrelated one I got a picture of above.

Weird stuff like that is really part of why I play these games. I've also seen spaceships spawn in each other when arriving in orbit and go spinning off in different directions. When that sort of thing happened in the big Lego Star Wars game I played before, also from Game Pass, they just blew up and made the random space battles in side missions go by quicker that way. Now that I think about it, the flow of this game follows much more to that than No Man's Sky. And even Lego Star Wars didn't make you go to the character and stuff menu to land somewhere after arriving at a planet, unless I'm missing something the game didn't tell me. Because it told me to go to the menu.

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