It's a place all right.

September 30, 2023 (Originally posted on Cohost)

Starfield Play Journal #10 - Lassoing up a Stargle

I went back to Starfield for a bit because it's a game I can pick up easily when I'm not entirely awake at the end of a usual day. I ended up finishing my space cowboy business by plowing through that questline, where there was some rooting, questionably tooting, and definitely tons of shooting. Overall, I felt that questline was fine, at least more interesting up front to start than the weird space wizard quest that's the main one.

To get back to said cowboy business, I went to some snowy planet and ran some thing called the Red Mile, which mainly consisted of just running directly to the waypoint and then running directly back, and then sometimes using the restore stamina/oxygen dragon shout power thing in order to keep running. This was just to get through the infinite monsters spawning and whatever else was going on there. And when I was done, a few monsters from the run started showing up at the entrance of the casino it takes place behind for whatever reason or bug. This was all just to set up a meeting with some criminal guy in a big fancy ship, and instead I just blew him up and also his army because this is how the game works. It seemed like every option led to violence so quests that let you persuade your way out of stuff seem to be more of an exception than a standard as I figured.

After a few more quests which largely involved hunting down fugitives and taking on approximately 80 quadrillion people shooting at me, both on and off the ground, and then doing the last few quests to reach the goal of my cowboy career, I ended up getting a new starship that's on average an upgrade over my upgraded Frontier. It was called the Star Eagle when I got it, but after customizing it a bit by removing some unnecessary bits to compress down the profile, repainting it in my usual colors, adding even more cargo space, and boosting the fuel, I renamed it the Stargle. I'll have to see how this thing handles next time I'm thrown into a space fight. Also it has a lot of parts I'm not even supposed to have without upgrading some starship design skill because apparently you need a certain skill level to buy better parts?

It wasn't all cowboy shenanigans though. On the path to becoming a top cowboy, I stopped at a zero gravity casino where apparently that was its gimmick before being abandoned, answered questions for a tour group, and fetched an exotic drink for a fancy ship designer lady. I also found some funny illegal items here and there that were actually easy to sell off because there's a particular thing near a particular planet that doesn't bother to scan for funny illegal items and has a store on it that accepts them. On that note, maybe I'll go try being a space pirate next. I don't think it'll end with a giant pterodactyl though.

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