Here's where I list what teams I've used to beat the Elite Four Plus One, or Elite Five, in whatever games, or the equivalent thereof, from beginning to champion. That's really it. I usually try to have most of the team different across games but some Pokémon return if there's a reason I see fit. This is specifically for Hall of Fame and Champion type stuff regardless of if it's required to clear the game to the credits, and a game won't appear on here if it doesn't have it.
HOT CHICK Lv. 65 ♂ King's Rock Blaze
KYOGRE Lv. 65 Mystic Water Drizzle
TROPIUS Lv. 65 ♂ Miracle Seed Chlorophyll
MANECTRIC Lv. 65 ♀ Magnet Lightning Rod
SANDSLASH Lv. 65 ♀ Soft Sand Sand Veil
FOXFIREFOX Lv. 62 ♀ Charcoal Flash Fire
FROZY Lv. 71 ♀ Splash Plate Torrent
DIALGA Lv. 67 Adamant Orb Pressure
TORTERRA Lv. 68 ♀ Rose Incense Overgrow
FIGHTDOG Lv. 67 ♂ Black Belt Steadfast
SHOCKLION Lv. 67 ♂ Magnet Rivalry
FLAMEHORSE Lv. 67 ♀ Flash Fire Flame Plate
Love Snake Lv. 45 ♀ Dragon Fang? Shed Skin
Backburner Lv. 57 ♂ Charcoal Blaze
Whalebird Lv. 51 Twisted Spoon Pressure
SwitchBait Lv. 51 ♀ Magnet Static
Blacky Lv. 45 ♂ Black Glasses Synchronize
McLovin Lv. 39 ♀ King's Rock? Serene Grace
Flyboy Crash Lv. 87 ♂ Amulet Coin Torrent
Most On Fire Lv. 82 ♂ Charizardite X Blaze
Mjolnir Lv. 79 ♂ Ampharosite Static
Gogogogogoat Lv. 63 ♀ Big Root Sap Sipper
Thundercake Lv. 66 ♂ Rocky Helmet Sweet Veil
Guinevere Lv. 63 ♀ King's Rock No Guard
Bob Lv. 61 ♂ Charcoal White Smoke
Cuddlefluff Lv. 68 ♂ Altarianite Natural Cure
Plantasaurus Lv. 64 ♂ Rocky Helmet Suction Cups
Grumpy Punch Lv. 62 ♀ Miracle Seed Poison Heal
Oktoberfest Lv. 67 ♂ Swampertite Torrent
Ediblob Lv. 58 ♀ King's Rock Liquid Ooze
Blathers Lv. 66? ♂ Decidium Z Overgrow
HotLegLizard Lv. 62? ♀ Firium Z Corrosion
Fancy Pantis Lv. 61? ♀ Grassium Z Leaf Guard
Bebear Lv. 60? ♂ Darkinium Z Fluffy
Sad Fish Lv. 65? ♂ Waterium Z Schooling
Mimikyu Lv. 67? ♀ Fairium Z Disguise
Noodlezard Lv. 67 ♂ Mystic Water Torrent
Anger Bird Lv. 64 ♀ Metal Coat Unnerve
Steppy Feets Lv. 62 Leftovers Battle Armor
Big Stompies Lv. 63 ♀ Leftovers Power Spot
Girth Cake X Lv. 62 ♀ Pixie Plate Sweet Veil
Go Snakes!!! Lv. 66 ♂ King's Rock Serene Grace