How I Learned To Loathe Rocket League


It started with figuring out things to do during my breaks at work, especially if , turned out the office had a Rocket League following. So I opted to buy it next sale chance I got. The idea of it being soccer played with rocket cars was fun-sounding enough. I was able to mess around in a bunch of games with co-workers. That was a time. But eventually like I do with games, I got tired of it. And at the same time I was cooling off on the idea of online multiplayer games. I just started bringing my own games to play in singleplayer. Generally I didn’t feel like going back to that one just because I got bored, like when a song gets played on the radio too much. Also it was annoying when sessions would run long and I would be right in the middle of the noise, trying to actually do my job.

Then it started getting more like the games I don’t like to play, and I had even less reason to go back. Things like season passes that just add more things and is just a weird thing to pay for in my thoughts. To cement it even further, that one company that’s been a thorn in the side of PC games went and bought them out and I could only see it go downhill from there. And it very much did. Replacing the loot crates that are going to allegedly destroy the children with a greedier system somehow, and now dropping support for other PC platforms that aren’t Windows. So much for trying to “stop a monopoly” as was part of their supposed mission statement.

I play PC games on Windows typically, but with an engine that can work on multiple platforms but refusing to do so despite having done so before is just weird. This also applies to A Hat In Time with how the DLC only works on Windows and the “best experience” would be on Steam due to it being kept up to date and having Workshop access. Weird things I can’t exactly abide by, and yet some parties are doing all they can to bridge those gaps as Windows 10 seems like it’s still a pain to use without hacking it significantly.

The lessons I picked up here are mostly ones to avoid buying online multiplayer only games and to stick to typically older games that can work offline and also have good singleplayer stuff. Which means if someone makes an MMO, even if it lacks a monthly fee in place of being bought up front, I don’t think I could do that. I might give them a try for free but I still more prefer singleplayer experiences now. And older games are cheaper usually.
