Back to the old usual.


Cohost is officially dead, well not entirely yet but effectively so. It’s officially dead at the end of the month, but I’ll be out somewhere then so I’m just wrapping that up now. This was the last time I was convinced to try social media again and it may or may not be the last time period, depending on how society and the internet itself turns out. So back to having my website be the dumping grounds of random thoughts as it was intended originally. I’d like the host to stay up as well so I don’t have to keep moving things around so much.

I’ll figure out a format to have my Cohost posts browsable, like I’d been intending to do with my Twitter posts for… well, since I left that site. That just has so many tweets to work through, but I feel like at the very least I could set something up for a site that had magnitudes fewer posts to make headway on that project. There’s probably been solutions for that but I just prefer to do things my way. I already have my Cohost posts archived in a format I can work with for starters, while that site figures out their archival format that I’ll also grab later when it’s ready. I’m also likely focusing on posts I made myself instead of reposts or retweets or whatnot but I’ll see what happens in these projects.

Long story short, I’m back, somewhat. Of course I’m also busy with a number of things. I still plan on usual review posts on the blog side.
