
General questions about me or the site that may or may not be asked by anyone. I don't expect frequently, so it's just "questions".

Why make a website?
Why not make a website? I've wanted to have my own website for some time, and I've tried several hosts before in various forms of website-ness. Now I'm on this host, Neocities, which lets me control all the HTML and CSS and JavaScript and other stuff that tends to go in a site. Plus, it allows me a level of customization that no social media site I've encountered allows these days, while some may come close, they're still limited in some way. This host allows a fair bit of flexibility in terms of what gets uploaded here, even for a free account. As I'm not just dumping a ton of videos on here, I've been making it last. The biggest data load would probably be from the various images I've uploaded, largely screenshots I've taken in games.

What is this site about?
A lot of things. Fitting with my tendency to drift between things freely and following the motivation I have at the time, this site has a lot of features. The biggest parts of the site at the moment would be my review blog (moved from Blogger), my "notes" page which is more of a random topic and thoughts journal, and my art pages as well as my screenshots pages for visual content. I'm often trying to think of a new thing to add as I go.

Who are you?
Look at my about page for more about me specifically.

Why a robot?
Why not robots? I like robots. I swear I'm not a spambot, I'm going with the more fun kinds of robots. Like how some are really into anime-styled people, some are really into anthropomorphic animals, and I see the appeal in those things, what I really get into are robots. They have a lot of weird potential, and I figured out a design for my "robosona" drawing from aspects I like in character designs.

Certainly you're a furry, right? Even with the robot thing?
Let's just say mostly yes in general, and not break into technicalities over furries versus scalies versus whatever someone might call themselves who has a robot or car or plane persona and so on, but also not so obsessed over the idea as some can be. I do find animal characters generally neat, and I really just find non-human characters most appealing in general. Largely this would be robots, but also other creatures, including aliens as well as animals, sometimes evolved into more sapient forms. However, I'm not going to fall for every single non-human or non-humanoid character of that description, so it's not just an automatic "win". I also just like real-life animals in general, including those that aren't typically anthropomorphized, as odd as they can get. I think people should have some fun with that, bring in some bugs or slugs for instance if they want to, don't feel obligated to be some kinda fox-like fox creature if it's not what they want.

Aren't you obsessed about Japan? Your username does have a Japanese word in it.
A little bit, but I'm no hardcore otaku kinda guy. I do enjoy manga and anime intermittently, though translated, and I am still slowly working on learning Japanese and have some very basic stuff figured out. I visited the country for the first time in 2024 and enjoyed my time there, and not just staying in Akihabara the whole time, it was a mix of exploring the city and seeing the quieter side of things, as well as visiting numerous temples and shrines. And of course I'd like to go there again. While Japan has had my interest for a long time, finding out aspects of culture of any region has been interesting to me, whatever the country. I'm not exactly an anthropologist in practice, but I can see the appeal. Also, any chance to see different wildlife is something I enjoy.

Where did you come up with such a username as "SonicKitsune" anyway?
Blame me, back in middle school days, being pretty into Sonic the Hedgehog stuff. It's really a roundabout way to mention Tails from the series, as I thought that him being a tech wizard was appealing to me as a young nerd. It's stuck because I made a lot of my general accounts around then and the name is understandably not taken on most things I've tried signing up for. I think being obscure enough with a silly enough name that most wouldn't think of has been a mostly consistent stroke of luck.

Are you the same SonicKitsune from _____?
That depends, but given how many times I've gotten the username on things, it's likely. I've generally linked my main profiles and pages, active or not, somewhere on the site. Usually that's the front page, but for anything inactive it may be a link on another page somewhere on the site, more to show that something was there but I'm not using it anymore. I've sometimes searched for my username online, of course, and I've found a few accounts or pages named SonicKitsune (or similar) that aren't mine, and usually I haven't been interested in making an account in those places anyway so they can keep those. I've also been on random forums across the web before, but I'm not really active on forums in general now. Ask me if you're not sure if someone's me or not, especially if they're having some weird takes I might not approve of to clear that.

Why don't you use social media?
It's mostly because I'm tired of it. It's all about algorithms and selling ads, plus on top of that there's a whole lot of assholes out there, and I'd prefer to not feel obsessed to check in on them or on those who feel the need to keep bringing them up. I know the block or mute button usually works in those cases but I'm just not in the mood. The most recent thing I tried using was Cohost, something a bit like Tumblr that did away with the algorithms and even the numbers obsession, but of course that didn't last long because social media without ads and selling everyone's data is kind of a money sink apparently. There's other things out there like Bluesky and Mastodon which are attempting something similar in more of a short format, but I'm tired of the short form post thing as well and I'm not sure how long those will hold up and be appealing before reaching critical mass. I just prefer to put stuff on my own site where I can do whatever within reason.

Where do you stand on the political spectrum or a certain issue?
In a place where I prefer to not discuss anything political in typical company, or really any company if I can help it, though if you must know one thing, I'm no fan of fascism, and if you must know a second, I'm also not a huge fan of governments in general. There are other things to talk about that generate fewer arguments and enemies, and if a conversation drifts toward it, I tend to drift out as soon as possible. If I feel like I want to say something about something on my own, check the notes page, which is my substitute for ranting aimlessly on social media. Even then it's not typically about things like those issues, but it may rear its horrendous head at times. I'm not saying to ignore critical issues either, I'm just not going to constantly bring that up here.

How about religion?
The other thing I prefer not to discuss in depth. Generally I just do whatever it is I do without following any particular doctrine. I'm fine with whoever being whatever, provided they don't use it as an excuse to harm innocent people or push their own greedy agenda. Also, if I had to choose a specific religion, I wouldn't pick one that limits my diet. I have my own reasons already for whatever it is I eat or don't.

Are you looking for a boyfriend/girlfriend/mate?
Probably not. If that changes for any reason, I'll do my best to not brag about finding someone to everyone and everything ever. I'd also try my best to make it work. However, I've been wrapped up in so many things over time that I might not be eager to add the responsibility of a relationship to the stack, so that's why it's a bit unlikely. Plus I've honestly been enjoying a relative independence, to sacrifice that for a partner as well as any possible family from that would take one heck of a partner to convince me otherwise. As for casual things that aren't so committed, still not likely but we'll see. Virtual would be more likely if so.

What's your computer setup?
A mix of Windows and Linux, with Windows to run games and such and Linux to do everything else. Currently, my main driver desktop is running Linux Mint 21.3, rebuilt using what was salvageable from the old Windows 8.1 machine once that broke completely, mostly the case and disc drive and video card. On that computer, I have two monitors (one 1080p widescreen, one 5:4 typical Dell spare) attached. This desktop is pretty capable of running games provided they can somehow run on Linux, but nothing really demanding as of modern developments. My more recently-built gaming PC, though, is another story, running Windows 10 (a pro edition I had laying around so I could actually configure it) and is capable of VR gaming as well, also running most non-VR games I've tried excellently, effectively having maxed out that build without swapping out the motherboard. That one is often hooked up to the same large 16:10 1200p monitor I use for most of my consoles, and additionally a 1080p graphics tablet if I have that plugged in as either a spare display or to actually draw things. I also have a Steam Deck OLED, since that counts as a computer, and it's been nice to have on long trips. I do still have an older laptop around that's had an older version of Linux Mint installed but that's mostly been retired in consideration that my main desktop now runs a more recent version. I don't have any active Mac computers personally, but I have an old Mac Mini I might poke at from time to time.

What's your gaming setup?
Aside from the PC which I feel is my main focus for gaming, I have a bunch of consoles, mostly older stuff, but occasionally adding something newer if the price is right. My console-based interests are generally from the NES forward and don't really extend outside of Nintendo, Sega, Sony, and Microsoft, but I am open to other games. I'm typically a late adopter of anything recent, if I get it, and my console acquisitions are largely secondhand, for newer systems after the Wii U in terms of release date, in addition to older systems I picked up long after the industry moved on like my original Xbox and the Sega systems. Most of my consoles are attached to a big HD monitor, but a couple are on an old CRT tube TV either for compatibility or running out of room at the big monitor. I've gotten pretty into VR as well, and as far as that I have a Valve Index and an HP Reverb G2 for the big gaming PC, and PSVR for the PS4 as well as its sequel for PS5.

How into VR are you?
Enough to make fairly regular logins into VR social platforms and have custom avatars set up, but not quite obsessing over the latest headset developments. Wanderlust plus a stimulus check during 2020 led me to get the whole PC setup, though my first ownership was through the PS4 doing a bit of games here and there, like seeing how the improved No Man's Sky played from that perspective. Eventually I figured I could handle it fine and went all-in for the Index, partly since I didn't want to deal with Facebook. I managed to get lucky in the social aspect, just seeing how VRChat worked for the hell of it, and met folks and groups there. I still play games outside of that though on occasion, like Blade and Sorcery if I need to let out some energy or aggression.

What about phones?
I use Android because I like messing with things on systems, but I haven't rooted a phone before, as for one thing it's harder to find roots for less-mainstream phones like the budget models I tend to get. They're useful tools that can also be used for terrible things. As far as phone games, I'm very picky regarding how much gets thrown onto the app stores that are just cheap money sinks involving gambling and really only stick with nonogram/picross puzzles, though I have messed with things like Pokémon GO and Animal Crossing Pocket Camp here and there.

How about cars?
I don't obsess over cars. I think some cars are pretty cool, such as the DeLorean as an example of peak 80s design,, and some are trying too hard to be like that, like that Cybertrash machine, but any car I own is likely intended as a general purpose vehicle for general tasks. So probably a sedan for the sake of efficiency balanced with practicality. The car just has to work well. I try to take decent care of any car I have, given they're expensive to replace for one thing, on top of other inconveniences. I would like to have public transportation be more available in general however.

Do you ride a bike or other transportation instead of a car?
I don't ride a bike. I usually walk unless it's far enough to either drive or take transit. And if transit is widely available, I tend to not feel the need to drive or catch a ride. As already mentioned, I'd prefer if that were the case in more places, it's just lacking where I tend to live at the moment.

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