Screenshots Games getting photo modes has been some weird occasional fun that I get too involved in sometimes.
Animal Crossing Patterns For when I feel artistic or fashionable in a town full of fuzzy animals, and you can too.
Monster Rancher Database A list of personally-tested monster-from-CD results from the PlayStation game Monster Rancher.
Poké Hall of Fame The teams of Pokémon who've entered a Hall of Fame, just something to show how I might beat the games.
The Sims Pages Strange events controlling virtual people in a materialistic wonderland/hellscape.
Mods Various attempts at creating mods for games I've played. There's a number of unfinished or outdated things here.
Backloggery History A slightly detailed copy of my Backloggery history for previous years.
Review Blog Reviewing whatever I feel like reviewing, this is its current home. Specifically focused on reviews, unlike the notes below.
Notes Some random thoughts and ramblings with a possible inner look to how I think, a result of me trying to figure out life. Much more unfocused and random than the review blog above.
Art Sometimes I draw things and I've decided to put them here.
Videos A place for my occasional videos to exist, if you like the odd video of mainly video games hosted somewhere.
Characters I've made up characters sometimes of various types for various reasons.
Lore I've also made up worlds and such and even more characters like or unlike the above.
Recommended Links - Links to some possibly interesting pages, updated whenever I feel like it.
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Sites I'm Barely On
Sites I'm Not On
Site This Site Is On
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